I love 2 Chron. 16:9; ” For the eyes of the Lord roam to and fro across the earth to strongly support those whose hearts are completely His.”
God is stalking us to bless us! He is just waiting on us to make good choices to seek Him and obey Him.

Choose to think of Him
Choices make or break us more than anything. God watches our choices more than anything. What we choose tells Him and others who we really are and what we really believe.
I chose today to think of God as often as I can–maybe every five minutes or more often. I want to abide in Him, to have my life wrapped around Him in every situation. That may be 596 choices or more. He is worth it!
When I do that the joy comes, the peace endures and the blessings flow from abiding in Him as Jesus promised in John 15:5-8: “But if you make yourselves at home with me and my words are at home in you, you can be sure that whatever you ask will be listened to and acted upon.” ( Message Bible)