My big news is that I am planning on starting up a deliverance ministry once again after my return from Florida later on this month. Chuck Pierce has graciously given me a lovely little office at the Global Spheres building for that purpose.
I especially hope to minister to pastors and church leaders who have no safe place to go for ministry of this kind. I maintain total confidentiality.
I need your help in getting this word out. The only cases I hesitate to work with are mental cases, such as the DID, schizophrenia, and the like. There are people much more skilled than I to whom I refer such cases. However, God has gifted me in areas of addictions, lust, rejection, healing of memories, victimization. and ordinary bondages so rampant these days. I ask those who want prayer to fill out a questionnaire that gives me clues as to how to go about ministry. So I need people to contact me. My email is easy. Click here to email me.
Gratefully in Christ,
PS–I have known Dr. Wagner and Doris for decades. Dr. Waagner was one of my professors at Fuller Seminary. I highly recommend Doris!
You can read about how she ministers by getting her book, How to Cast Out Demons–A Beginner’s Guide.