From the Virginia Prayer Caucus

Congressional Prayer Caucus member Rep. Rob Wittman, Virginia Prayer Caucus co-chair Delegate Brenda Pogge, and State Director, Pastor Ryan McAdams, on right
Hello and Happy New Year!
God is wanting to do great things in 2018. We have an opportunity to be part of a national movement called “Keep Faith In America,” and I am inviting you to participate in the KICK OFF EVENT on January 16th which will be held at the Richmond Capitol beginning at 10:30 am at the Bell Tower on the Capitol grounds.
January 16th is the National Religious Freedom Day, commemorating the day of the passage of the Virginia Statute on Religious Freedom in 1786. Thomas Jefferson drafted the legislation and considered it one of his greatest achievements. The law protected the civil rights of citizens to express their religious beliefs without discrimination. James Madison and those who drafted the U.S. Constitution gleaned heavily from Jefferson’s statute in establishing the First Amendment’s sacred guarantee of religious freedom.
At this event we will be part of a first-of-its-kind national broadcast on Facebook Live hosted by federal and state elected leaders. Legislators in congress and in over 20 states will be participating in “Keep Faith in America” events at their capitols.
The focus of the event will be to present a unifying message about the positive impact of faith, the role of faith in freedom and civility, and the need for unceasing prayer for our leaders and nation.
This is just the beginning of a strategy created by a unique coalition of faith leaders who will continue to focus on impacting other key spheres of society including churches, universities, local government and school boards.
So please join us for this significant and meaningful event on January 16th! Invite your pastor and congregation and join us at the Bell Tower. Feel free to forward this email and get the word out.
God bless you richly,
Ryan McAdams
State Director
Virginia Prayer Caucus Network