Archives: Messages

Message: “Headed for Heaven” from Bob Fox

A message from the series “Sermons.” Every person is made for heaven. Heaven is the home of every follower of Jesus. We are aliens here on earth. Jesus came to bring us home to heaven. What is heaven like? What can we expect there? These and other questions are addressed in this message. Live for heaven, Christian! You are headed home to heaven someday, maybe sooner than you think.

PDF of these sermon slides at

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Message: “The Amazing Benefits of Knowing God as Father” from Bob Fox

A message from the series “Sermons.” Jesus was sent by the Father to bring us back to Him. God wants a close, “Abba” daddy relationship with us like He had with Adam and Eve in the garden. They walked together int he cool of the day—as a close family of a Father and His children.

God wants all of His children to have that kind of relationship with Him. That’s why He sent Jesus!

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Message: “Biblical Centrality of Knowing God the Father: Series Sermon #2” from Bob Fox

A message from the series “Sermons.” Second message in this series. God the Father is the central Person in the entire Bible. The Father sent Jesus to bring mankind back to the Father. The Cross is just the means Jesus used to clean us up so we could come to the Father as His children and come home to heaven to be with the Father.

The Scriptures that the team read and the Sermon Notes are int he links below.

Derek Prince’s encounter with God the Father at age 70 in the link below!

See Pastor Charles Stanley’s encounter with God the Father in the link below.

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Message: “A Prophetic Message From God to Mothers on Mother’s Day 2019” from Bob Fox

A message from the series “Sermons.” We lost the audio until minute 13:18—which is where this video begins. The best Mother’s Day message I have ever given in 30 years. The devil did not like it at all! The problems producing this message were unprecedented for me and for the A/V team. Probably because The Lord spoke most of this message to me very specifically.
The sermon outline is here:…

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Message: “Standing Strong When God is Silent ” from Bob Fox

A message from the series “Sermons.” Last week Don Hastings gave us a masterful overview of Ephesians 6:10 to 20 about what the armor of God really means.

Don explained how to stand strong in God’s armor against the powers of darkness that assail us.

Today I would like to talk about a practical application of how to stand strong in the strength of God when God is silent in answering our desperate prayers.

This application relates to the traditional story of Palm Sunday which we and churches around the world celebrate the Sunday before Easter.

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Message: “Called to Share His Glory” from Bob Fox

A message from the series “Sermons.” This is a message of comfort. God has BIG plans for all Christians when they get to heaven. He will glorify us in ways we cannot imagine. Look at the biblical proof that God has always planned to do this for all His adopted children who come to Him through faith in Jesus!

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Message: “Where is God When Things Seem Bad?” from Maggie Hastings

A message from the series “Testimonies.” Maggie shares some powerful truths she learned about God as she went through very tough times in Asia and in America, including her recent battle with cancer! Her articulate and transparent testimony could help you endure and even thrive in times of difficulty–even when you are angry with God! Her faith now inspires us all!

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Message: “Winning Through Worship” from Bob Fox

A message from the series “Sermons.” The days are evil. The world has gone crazy. It will get the Bible predicts. Wholehearted, full-surrender, full affection, total dependence on God is all the more critical to avoid being a casualty of this global spiritual war on all things righteous.

Here is message number four in the series: The Normal Christian Life: Biblical and Satisfying

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Message: “Obedience: God’s Invitation to Greatness” from Bob Fox

A message from the series “Sermons.” God’s commands to us on earth are meant to prepare us to rule in heaven as a joint-heirs with Jesus ( Rom. 8:15-16). The more we obey God’s commands in scripture and through the leading of the Holy Spirit, the more we become like Jesus in character, spiritual authority and purpose. The more we are like Jesus, the greater we are in the sight of the Lord. God commands us to promote us on earth and in heaven, not to restrict us from good things.

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Message: “My Experience of God the Father’s Love” from Bob Fox

A message from the series “Sermons.” So why do I feel that this message about being adopted by God is so foundational to the normal Christian life?

Because Jesus came to bring us back to the Father. Jesus came to show us the Father. If you’re a Christian and you don’t know the Father, you’re missing one of the main reasons that Jesus came to earth. His death on the cross was just the means to enable us to know the Father and be the adopted as his children.

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Message: “You Are Your Family: Overcoming Family Deficiencies ” from Bob Fox

A message from the series “Sermons.” Many people grew up in homes that were somewhat deficient in good moral values and child-raising skills. Consequently, children from such homes can be damaged emotionally and spiritually. They often take those same emotional problems and family sin patterns into their own families when they get married. This message’s planes Palestinians replicate themselves and families from generation to generation and how those sin patterns can be broken the help of Jesus. As you listen to the message, you may discover dysfunctional patterns that are in your family that you observed in the family that raised you. It’s not too late to change this pattern of emotional and moral dysfunction that runs in your family. Christians have the power of the Holy Spirit to change such things and have healthier, happier families than the one you grew up in.

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Message: “Power to Win the Lost” from Ken Gerry

A message from the series “Sermons.” Pastor Ken Gerry helped move us closer to revival again today in this powerful message about the purpose of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit: to reach the lost! Worship today was off the charts. God is warming our hearts more and more! Thank you Jesus! Thank you, Pastor Ken & Nancy!

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Message: “People Need the Lord! How Will they Meet?” from Bob Fox

A message from the series “Sermons.” God knew that and so He sent Jesus to rescue all humanity from their sins. Jesus then sent us to continue what He started: the evangelization of the world.

This message gives you strong biblical evidence that helping people make it to heaven is one of the two main reasons God still keeps His beloved children on earth after we get saved.

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Message: “Bringing in the Harvest Together!” from Bob Fox

A message from the series “Sermons.” Our people are witnessing!! We are growing in the grace to share our faith with others and inviting them to church for their sake–not ours! We want to help them make it to heaven!! Kevin Coyle interviews some, Mindy Eddy and Rhonda Cooley share their testimonies of witnessing. The movie that followed is great to show us that we have to work together to bring in the harvest Jesus died for!

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Message: “Outreach Sunday & Message about How God the Father Loves His Children” from Bob Fox

A message from the series “Sermons.” Double-dip Sunday: Kicking off a summer outreach program to invite folks to church and a message on how God the Father loves His kids taken from Luke 15. Good points about how to deal with a rebellious child:

Luke 15: The prodigal father and prodigal son. How fathers can be like our Heavenly Father
– [ ] Even the best of fathers can have wayward children
– [ ] Children sometimes misuse the generous gifts of fathers
– [ ] Don’t work harder to rescue a child than the child is working
– [ ] Children learn best by experience. Give them permission to fail
– [ ] Reward real repentance with great generosity
– [ ] Be prepared to walk with them through the long-term repercussions of their bad choices

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Message: “Missions Sunday with Dr. Gopal Kanan and Dr. & Mrs. Patrick Morrison” from Patrick & Hannah Morrison

Dr. Gopal & Daisy Kanan have pioneered a wonderful ministry to the international students at ODU! They shared a lot of wisdom and scriptural truth about loving aliens in our land. We are proud to work with them in loving some of those students. The Morrisons are heading to the beautiful Philippines ( Davao City area) to love a Muslim village of poor people, tell lots of kids about Jesus and love young men through basketball outreaches. We will really miss them!

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Message: “Ryan McAdams on why Christians Should Be Involved in Politics” from Ryan McAdams

Our church loved this eye-opening talk by Pastor Ryan McAdams of Agape Mission Church in Williamsburg and head of the Virginia Prayer Caucus. As a former social worker for 10 years, Ryan understands the issues in society that Christians need to shed the light of the Gospel on via their vote. Ryan did not mention it at our church, but he is running for Congress in the Forth District of Virginia.

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Message: “Miracles with the Maasai” from Dinah Thompson

Two of our church members, Drs. Michael and Dinah Thompson, give a one-minute report in this video on their amazing medical mission trip to the Maasai people of Kenya, Africa.  Here is what Dinah wrote:
In 4 days of medical clinic, our team saw about 1050 patients.  The “medical camp” was the largest that Kenyan Dr. James had ever hosted, with 5 doctors, an optometrist, 2 PA’s, 3 nurses, 3 dentists, a lab technician and a pharmacist.

Ten pastors from 10 different churches acted as counselors, leading people to the Lord and praying for their needs.  It was the first show of unity in the church anyone could remember in the Ewaso Kedong Sub-county—40km northwest of Kenyan capital Nairobi.

There was an anointing for healing!!!  Many musculoskeletal and neuropathic pains disappeared instantaneously. Many people had their hearing improved. Michael saw a leg lengthened. I saw frozen shoulders, a locked finger and stooped-over back increase in range of motion with short prayers.

On the last day of clinics, I had my translator pray so she would have faith that God could heal through her as well–and God did!  A 9-year-old prayed for her grandmother’s leg pain to be healed and it was!  Another doctor had patients pray for their own healing and they were healed.  We were told later that people were saying they had never seen such miracles—that this is the hand of God and that they will go to the church of God.

In a village 28 km away, people were talking about the man whose leg was lengthened and whose back got healed thorugh prayer!  We also heard after we left that people weren’t taking their pain medication (Tylenol, Motrin) because they were already healed from their pain!  Glory to God!

Hungry People

We discovered the people were actually almost starving, having only tea for breakfast and tea with garlic for supper. So we pooled our money and arranged with Convoy of Hope to distribute a truckload of maize, rice, and some nutrient-rich mix that was tasty when cooked.  The food distribution was done on the last day of clinic and the people were very happy.  The Galcom Audio Bibles were well received by the people.  We gave one to a man who was blind.

Our health and the health of the whole team was good during the entire trip.  I had no back pain on the roughest road trip we’ve ever taken that went on for hours —what grace!  God made camping easier for me in the dusty, hot African land by providing good food and showers!  By the end of the trip, I was able to sleep decently on the little mattress pads!   We had good interpreters and the Lord blessed us with finances.

The church there was renewed and the people had hope.  The young Kenyan professionals working with us as interpreters were inspired by this experience.  A couple of them said it was life-changing and they’d do it again and again.  Hallelujah!

Thank you so much for your prayers and support!  We know the anointing for healing was definitely a result of all your intercession! 

Please continue to pray for “Missionland.”  2 Chronicles 7:14 declares, “If My people who are called by My name shall humble themselves, pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will heal their land.”

There has been a drought for 5 years—there is no grass now so the cows are no longer among the people but have been taken far away closer to the mountains where there is more food and water.  Only the goats and some sheep remain.  We need to pray for revival and repentance that their land would be healed and that they would get rain.

Once again humbled by the goodness of our wonderful Lord and by your support,

Dinah & Michael Thompson

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Message: “What Do You See in the Eyes of Your Loved Ones?”

One of the most moving videos about the incredible value of family relationships.  Made by an insurance company!  There was not a dry eye in the church when we last viewed this!

After seeing this again, I am more committed to looking into the eyes of those I meet to see them as God does.  We can all love people with our eyes of love that let the Holy Spirit shine through us.  So many people rarely get looked at with deep respect and affection.

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