The Woke Left is Coming For You
In is no secret that America is in deep trouble.
At age 75, after 35 years of being a pastor, I firmly believe God has given America and the American Church over to its sins as part of His judgement on our nation. Read Romans 1:18-32
The nation— and the American Church— are deeply divided on moral and spiritual issues that deeply offend our holy God.
10 million Christians Now Accept Gay Sex As Holy
Just recently, for example, the Mennonite Church USA with 62,000 members now allows same-sex marriages to be performed by its clergy. They join the Presbyterian Church USA, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America ( ECLA), the Episcopal Church, The United Church of Christ, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and most of the Methodist churches in America in teaching that homosexual sex is not sinful and practicing gay clergy can serve in their churches. That six denominations with about 10 million members!
Those six denominations, almost all of the news media, internet social media giants and many leaders at every level of government see our biblical beliefs as opponents of their Woke/LGBTQ theology, sexual morality and government policies.
We are in an all-out war for the minds and souls of America and of the American Church!
Regardless of race or political persuasion, all Christians must speak out against the acceptance of the LGBTQ, transgender, and abortion agendas because the Woke Left has to silence the Church to be fully successful. They have to refute our 3000-year-old teachings on sexuality and humanity of the unborn and the 10,000 years of human consensus, biblical revelation, and science that there are only two genders. And right now, they are winning this battle for the minds and souls of our nation–and even of our own children and families.
Regardless of political persuasion, we have to challenge the current political leaders of America to stop brutally enforcing these unbiblical and destructive agendas that are highly offensive to God. This is a matter of national security. Only God can heal and protect our nation. form its enemies. (Psalm 127:1) We also have to consider Christians who teach that gay sex is not sinful as heretics. What else could they be to change something so fundamental to 3000 years of biblical sexual moral beliefs?
Silence gives consent.
Silencio dabit consentio. If we pastors continue to remain silent, our churches, our families, and our nation will descend into greater chaos, immorality, and the greater judgment of God.
It’s time for Christian leaders to speak up and tell the truth to a confused nation and a confused American Church.
Listen again to God’s warning in Ezk. 33 to spiritual shepherds who did not warn their flocks of the truth.
Listen to Tucker Carlson explain how the Woke Left is trying to take down the biblical bliefs of Christians.
Read about how the leaders of this Woke Anglican school in England fired their chaplain for preaching biblical sexual values to its students as his job decription required.