Bob Fox - May 21, 2017

Word of Knowledge Gift

Describes this spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit. We practiced using it in church right after the message!  This is a great spiritual gift to seek and practice!   Summary of slides you can view below in the NOTES section.   You can downlaod the notes ( sermon slides) if you want. The Baptism Of The Holy Spirit 1. 2017 Holy Spirit Series How to be Baptized In the Holy Spirit 2. Joel 2:28 It will come about after this That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind: ❖ And your sons and daughters will prophesy ❖ Your old men will dream dreams, ❖ Your young men will see visions. 3. God Sends Jesus to Fulfill Joel 2:28 John the Baptist Describes Jesus 4. He Keeps His Promises! The Promise Repeated (Luke 24:49) “I am going to send you what my Father has promised” ~~Jesus 5. The Baptism of the Holy Spirit ❖ Most Christians are ignorant of it ( Acts 19:2) ❖ Can receive at conversion: Acts 9 ( Saul), Acts 10 ( Gentiles) ( Evangelical position) ❖ Can receive after conversion: Acts 8 (Samaritans), Ephesians (Acts 19) & the Eleven ( Acts 2, John 20:22) ( Pentecostal Position) ❖ Empowerment for Christian life and witnessing ❖ The “normal” Christian life flows from this. 6. After Conversion ❖  Now when the apostles in Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent them Peter and John, 15 who came down and prayed for them that they might receive the Holy Spirit. 16 For He had not yet fallen upon any of them; they had simply been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. 17 Then they began laying their hands on them, and they were receiving the Holy Spirit. 18 Now when Simon saw that the Spirit was bestowed through the laying on of the apostles’ hands, he offered them money…” (Acts 8:14-18) 7. Evidence of the Baptism in the Spirit ❖ Greater Fruit of the Spirit ❖ Greater ability with Gifts of the Spirit ❖ Greater love and enjoyment of God, His Word & prayer ❖ Greater passion for others to know & worship God ❖ Greater desire to be obedient to God ❖ Greater love for all people, even our enemies 8. Effects of the Baptism in the Spirit ❖ Some feel heat, “electricity”, heaviness, deep reverence ❖ Often with tears, great joy & great peace ❖ Sometimes with shaking, falling down, laughing ❖ Often with gift of tongues, prophesy. Not always ❖ Some feel nothing but they still get filled with God! ❖ Can & should be filled many times after this 9. How Necessary? ❖ The greatest single difference between the early church and Christianity today is the early church’s awareness and experience of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit! ❖ Most Christians in 2017 would describe their conversion and Christian life with little emphasis on the Holy Spirit —exactly the opposite of how NT Christians would describe their conversion and their Christian life. 10. The World Needs Us! ❖ 981,000 Pentecostals in 1900 ❖ 643,661,000 Pentecostals/Charismatics today; ❖ Charismatic and Pentecostal Christianity is the fastest growing phenomenon in world religious history. ❖ But Christians only 34% of world population today ❖ Only 14% of world knows a Christian ❖ All taken from 11. How to Receive the Baptism of the Holy Spirit ❖ Be empty to be filled: ❖ Honestly admit our inadequate faith, love and obedience & spiritual power to help others ❖ Be desperate to change ❖ Want this to glorify God and not for personal promotion ❖ Want this to be better witnesses for Jesus, to love God passionately and to love our neighbors well— so many will hear and see the Gospel and be saved. 12. Greatest Baptist Revival: Shantung, China, 1931 ❖ Many Baptist missionaries disappointed with the spiritual coldness of themselves, their churches and their missions work. ❖ Miss Marie Monsen—A Lutheran from Norway— started the revival and prophesied it would come because the people had fulfilled 2 Chron. 7:14 ❖ Hundreds filled with Spirit. Many church leaders born again! ❖ Many shook, laughed a lot, fell down and could not move. 13. Prep for Pentecost 2017 ❖ Seek the Lord with all your heart ❖ Admit your need for more of His power ❖ Confess any sins. Forgive everyone, including God & yourself. ❖ Break agreement with any lies you have believed about yourself or with any false religions, Freemasonry or occult involvement. ❖ Fast as much as you can and pray for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit daily. 14. – This is for everyone! Let’s pray! Let’s ask!

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