Brightcross is coordinating another Grocery Giveaway & Prayer Event on Saturday, March 24, 2021 at Garden of Prayer, 1001 Church Street, in the parking lot. This location, in the middle of 3 projects, is in a food desert where many experiencing homelessness join us, also. Set up begins at 10am and Distribution and Prayer begin at 12pm followed by clean up. We want to be an answer to Jesus’ prayer that we are one as He and Father are one so the world will know He sent Him and do the fast God has chosen is Isaiah 58. We pray to set the oppressed free, share our bread with the hungry and diapers, coats, etc. are given to those in need. God heals people, sets them free and eternities are changed as people make decisions to follow Jesus and want to get baptized! This is a super fun opportunity to be the church and be the change we want to see in the world. Volunteers can serve, pray with guests, or donate.
Next, Atlantic Speech and Debate is Hampton Roads homeschool and private Christian school speech and debate club. We train up critical thinkers and effective communicators to be world changers for the glory of God. AS&D met at Regent University for years until the expanse of their law school and the covid restrictions. This past year we met at Wave Church, which was a wonderful experience, however, the additional distance for members traveling from Williamsburg and Elizabeth City was prohibitive. As a result, AS&D is seeking a more centrally located home for our club. Regent provided 7 rooms where we taught Apologetics, Novice Speech, Advanced Speech, Lincoln Douglas Debate, Team Policy Debate, Parliamentary Debate, Moot Court and The Chick-fil-a Leader Academy on Thursday evenings from 5pm to 9:30pm beginning the week of Labor Day until Memorial Day. We offer Speech Writing Workshops and Debate Camps during the summer and host a Tournament or two each year. AS&D Club members compete in two national Christian leagues, The National Christian Forensics and Communications Association and Stoa Speech and Debate where first and second place winners at local tournaments have received college scholarships.
The Chesapeake Christian Women’s Club is a non-denominational group of women from many different churches meeting once a month on the fourth Wednesday from 11:30am – 1pm.
Set up begins at 9:30am and clean up ends around 2pm. The first two meetings of each quarter are a bring your own sack or bagged lunch to hear a speaker and special music. The third meeting of each quarter is a covered dish luncheon with special music and fellowship. We provide coffee, water and tea for each meeting. Great Bridge Baptist was our most recent home for many years, however, due to remodeling we need to find another location. Our numbers generally range from 38 to 80 and for many senior members CCWC is their big outing for the month. We look forward to continuing to serve these ladies and growing to bless more.
If you have a location available or need any more information please contact Angela Breitkreutz at or 214-478-3744 (call or text). I look forward to hearing from you.