Over 80 Christian leaders called Americans to prayer for North Korea in preparation for the historic June 12th meeting between Presidents Trump and Kim Jong Un!  Read about this prayer movement in Charisma or in the Christian Post News.

This is in addition to a 40 Day Worship event in South Korea starting on April 29th for unity between the Korea’s.
Let’s keep praying. Let’s pray for the salvation of Kim Jong Un.

Here is a prophecy that he will be saved.

Here is report from 2005 in which Shawn Boltz reports an angel visited him to tell him that that God is going to reunite the Korean Peninsula!

Incredible? Yes! Impossible? No!

Let’s pray for God to save NK President Kim Jong Un. He is the key to most of what God wants to do to heal the Korean Peninsula.  Once He knows the Lord, all heaven could break out there!