We Made History for Jesus!

Members of over twelve churches in Hampton Roads—Baptist, Mennonite, Catholic, and other Protestant congregations—proclaimed the age-old Easter greeting He Is Risen using their cars to spell out the words on a parking lot in Hampton Roads. This may be the first time in Hampton Roads this message has ever been expressed this way!
COVID-19 has motivated churches across America to share the Good News about Jesus in new, innovative ways. This picture is one example. Some drivers left work to join the group. One man could not attend, but loaned his car to be used in the event. Car drivers obeyed the COVID restrictions by staying in their cars the entire time and the ten people who positioned the cars had masks on. CBN sent a film crew led by George Thomas ( with Rob & Kimberly) that produced a great story which was aired on the 700 Club on Thursday, April 9. Ryan Noble was our excellent drone pilot.
All in all, it was a miracle that this event happened. We lacked five cars until the very last minute. It was organized in three days! God did it!
Click here to see the CBN video!. Fox News also used this video in their coverage of Easter! To God be the glory!