Best defense is good offense: a strong, satisfying relationship with God and non-sexual relationships with friends is a great defense.
Find out what need your porn meets: love, acceptance, loneliness, etc. Porn is just a bad solution to some lie you believe about yourself. what God thinks of you is the truth. He loves you—just as you are—but wants you set free from porn. It will rob you blind of many things God has for you!
I know you can change with God’s help if you want to!
Check out this site: it could save your life and the lives of those you love from a lot of pain. Porn kills so many good things. It is a real drug and drugs kill.
Pastor, father of four, grandfather of 10, husband to amazing Beth for 47 years, author of Healing America's DNA, former Marine F-4 pilot and Navy Chaplain. MDiv from Fuller Seminary & BA from George Mason U. Passionate about helping people make it to heaven--especially overseas, knowing God as the most wonderful Father, getting healed and set free from lies we believe about ourselves, helping pastors and churches to collaborate to make Jesus famous where they live and around the globe.
Loves music, worshipping God, coffee, water sports and my incredible family!