The Bridge Leadership Conference

Thursday, October 4 at Thalia Lynn Baptist Church

4392 Virginia Beach Blvd. 23462



Dinner: 6pm ($6, pay at door) Large Group: 6:30pm Sessions begin: 6:50pm Deadline to Register: Tuesday, October 2

This Conference is open to everyone. You do not have to be a partnering church to attend this Conference

If you had signed up for the Conference on its original date, please contact the office ( or 757-938-9793) to confirm you will be attending the October 4 Conference.
Thank you!

Session Topics: (choose two)

How to Lead Change When Change is Hard; led by Lynn Hardaway

Building a Multi-cultural Church; led by Charlie Brown
Getting People in the Door; led by David Foote
Owning Your Gospel Story; led by Ken Pruitt

Small Group Leadership (2nd session only); led by Nate Hogan Family Systems; led by William Colvin

Spiritual Health of the Church and Its Men; led by LeRoy Hill, Jr.

Creating a Ministry for those with Special Needs; led by Jason Hutcheson
Discipline with Special Needs Students; led by Vince Kornegay

Crucial Conversa9ons (1st session only); led by Kim Jessie

Teaching the ‘Google’ Genera9on; Vicky Faircloth