April 7 at 7:30 PM

Regent U. Panel Webinar: Moving Church Online
April 7 at 7:30 PM

Panel: Dr. Dan Backens ( New Life Church), Dr. Eric Thomas ( First Baptist Norfolk), Dr. Marcus Pfeiffer ( Regent Communications Prof / IT Consultant)

Pastor Lynn Garrett says of this webinar ( given just for Regent grads):

I found the seminar to be very helpful, not so much the tech part, but just listening to some of their stories of what worked and what didn’t. They also sent out an email loaded with tech information on receiving offerings and streaming that was discussed in the Seminar.

Regent’s Invitation
Next Tuesday, April 7th at 7:30 pm, the School of Divinity will be hosting this online webinar. Here is the registration link (click here)—and a bio on each of the speakers.

Once the webinar on April 7, 2020 is complete, a recording will be sent out to everyone who participated. A list of resources will be sent out in a further email.

If you have any additional question, please let me know.


Matthew Chandler
Assistant to the Deans

School of Divinity
Regent University l Christian Leadership to Change the World