EW Jackson is one of two pastor friends of mine I highly recommend to you.  The other is Pastor Ryan McAdams whom I will write about in a different post.
Our country is falling apart morally and otherwise.  America desperately needs Christians in office to return us to the Christian principles upon which America was started.  Only another Great Awakening will save America, but “righteous exalts a nation” and good political leaders can help restore and protect America’s righteous standing before God.  Unless God blesses and protects America, we are sunk. (Ps. 127:1)
I encourage you to check Pastor E.W Jackson out. Why?
1.  His character. I have had breakfast with him a couple of times in a small pastors’ group.  EW is very genuine, passionate, smart, wise, experienced, highly educated, gody and courageous.  He is a powerful speaker and a courageous leader who is not afraid to tackle the hard issues. I cannot imagine him doing anything for self-serving purposes. American needs men like him in leadership! 
2. His platform:  Click the link here to see a summary of the issues he wants to address as a senator.
3. His competency and credentials to lead from experience and by training.  Click here to read his impressive bio.  Great-grandson of a slave, raised in poverty in foster care in the ghetto and then a Marine Corps veteran, Harvard Law grad, 2013 Republican nominee for Lt. Governor of Virginia, and pastor of The Called Church in Chesapeake, VA.
Given the huge diversity within the American Church now, I assume some Christians will not support EW, but I hope they will check him out and pray for God to give us the leaders we need to restore the righteousness of America before God so God can make America great again!  Only God can!